Regional Collaboration – Alinea

Regional collaboration allows conservation organisations to pool resources, share information and expertise, and develop coordinated strategies for conservation.
Information sharing is crucial in regional collaboration due to multiple jurisdictions, laws and policies, large landscapes, and differing resources or priorities.
Collaborative working helps ensure conservation efforts are aligned with the needs and priorities of conservation, wildlife, and local communities across these boundaries, providing greater security for people and wildlife.
Regional programme – Alinea
Differing approaches to similar problems are sometimes beneficial, but across Africa, there is a lack of fusion of purpose and local adaptation of international best practice systems and procedures.
This deficit:
- results in capacity shortages to tackle challenges
- displaces crime to areas with weaker law enforcement
- reduces coordinated geographical protection against a threat that capitalises on:
- weak institutions
- concealment among disenfranchised populations
- the fluid movement of illegal commodities.
WCP established Alinea to address this deficit and to align NGOs across Southern Africa. In addition to the specific challenges facing NGOs regionally, Alinea empowers grassroots organisations to become independent and operate with partners across Africa by:
Supporting and strengthening affiliates in Africa that share common goals, enabling learning through peer exchange and supporting new perspectives to inform operating models.Connect
Aligning the Counter IWT community and development agencies at the landscape level and encouraging new models where appropriate.Promote
Expanding knowledge of new operating models, convening non-traditional experts to inform models and encourage government champions.Alinea seeks to achieve this in conjunction with regional partners through the following strategies
Capacity Building
Identifying capacity gaps among partners using focused training and mentoring across various disciplines provided by experts.
Mentoring key individuals to develop capacity.
Financial and Resource Assistance
Providing core financial, project and other resource assistance.
Specialised Support
Providing expert support in a range of disciplines, with a focus on local context.
Influence, Advocate and Align
Influencing behaviours towards conservation in Southern Africa, increasing positive exposure of organisations to promote the conservation narrative.
Mutual Support
Using the NGO network to support each other and promote peer exchange and development.